Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Eager beaver

So I had a softball game last night. I play for my church's women's team. Haven't been able to make a game in a while. And I really wanted to hit that ball. So I was too eager and ended up swinging under the ball, sending a perfect pop fly into the outfield...perfect for catching that is. Thankfully my glove was better than my bat. I redeemed myself a little bit. But I realized, again, that I'm really hard on myself. The game didn't even count...the other team forfeited with not enough players and we were just playing for fun. And yet I was still beating myself up that I didn't play better. Sheesh.

In other news, I'm leaving tonight for Connecticut for work. We have a bridge inspection for the next two days. I love that part of my job, where I get to go out and get my hands on things and get nice and greasy, climbing around all the machinery. I wish I could do that more often, but as the junior engineer, I don't get out as much as my more experienced co-workers. Let's hope it's less humid up there, because I'm going to be outside all day. Under a bridge, but outside nonetheless.

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