Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Marked drowsiness may occur

Good to know. Unfortunately, I didn’t know. A friend told me to take Benadryl to help with my mosquito bites. I took it right before work. Except it wasn’t till the second dose that I realized it was the Benadryl that had knocked me out. I just thought I was tired. I hate mosquitoes. But they seem to love me. My legs look like I have chicken pox. No joke.

So I’ve been away on extended weekends the past two weekends. It’s always good to catch up with friends you don’t get to see very often. Went to see A&I over the 4th of July. They just had a baby…an adorable little baby girl. I forgot how tiny newborns are. And she was two weeks old. Last weekend I went to see B&J in Massachusetts. I discovered that you can rent a car for a weekend for under $40! With my car on the fritz (whole other story), it was good money to pay for piece of mind that my transmission wouldn’t fall out on me on the way up there. Seriously. But it was a good weekend. Went hiking in a state park, swimming, a cookout. Good times. But lots of mosquito bites both weekends.

Another thing I've been thinking about. How well do we really love people? And not just people that we get along with. That's easy enough to do. What about people who are different from us, who we don't understand, or converse easily with? Last week at small group I realized that I'm not always very good at loving people who are difficult for me to love. But some people just are. My friend LZ, for example, is good at that. She's good at making people feel very comfortable and able to open up. Very non-judgmental, which, I fear, is how I come across sometimes. Thankfully, though, God's not finished with me yet. I'm still a work in progress.


Nathan Hackman said...

The ever increasing path of links has brought me here, so even though I don't know you (at least I think I don't) welcome to the blogrings. Its nice to have someone new pop up every now and then.

Proteinstar said...

Nice place you got here.

(looks around, pulls up a seat)

Unfortunately now that Shoop opened a link to your blog he's welcomed every slacker from his side of the web.

Oh and Benadryl is great when mixed with equal amounts of Nyquil and vermouth, I recommend Martini Rosso.

Ellie said...

Yes, I'm aware of the dangers I've exposed myself to, allowing Mr. Shoop to find me. But I think I can handle it. And I'll have to remember about Benadryl, Nyquil and vermouth for the next time.

Rover, it's possible I've met you at one of Mr. Shoop's infamous Christmas parties, but other than that...probably not.