Monday, July 25, 2005

Of Thunderstorms, Sunburns, and Rule Nazis

I like thunderstorms. And I like camping. But I discovered this weekend that I don't like thunderstorms while camping. Not so much. Friday night we had a thunderstorm. Luckily, it only actually rained for about 30 minutes. Thank God for quick moving storms. But I discovered it's somewhat frightening to be in a tent, and have it thundering and lightning...the kind where you know the lightning struck less than a 1/3 mile away.

I had a great weekend, though. Lots of relaxing and hanging out. My handbell choir was playing at a campground in MD. So my family and a couple other families decided to camp the weekend instead of just coming for the concert. It was pretty fun. I played volleyball, softball, swam a little, had a campfire, slept in...I tell ya, it was so tough to decide what to do next. I take a nap, play some cards, or go swimming? Tough decisions. But I did what had to be done. And my face and shoulders are a lovely shade of red to prove it.

This camp is the camp of rule nazis, though. You can have day visitors, but they have to be out by 9. Well, our bell choir people that came down for the day were day visitors, but our concert didn't end till 9 and then we had to tear down and everything. How's that going to work? And my friend KB has a little girl that she took to the pool. She can wear her life vest in the pool in the 2 1/2 foot section (you know, where she can touch), but can't wear it beyond that point (like, where she might actually need it). It's bordering on ridiculous.

What qualifies some people to be "pastors? This group came and sang for the camp's church service, and the leader of the group gave a short "message". I don't know where he got some of his theology from. His stated message was on "temptations and trials", from James 5:7-16, but he was throwing in everything but the kitchen sink. Did you know that James 5:12 teaches that when we're facing trials and temptations, we shouldn't cuss. Funny. I thought that passage meant swearing an oath, not saying #@!&%. A little (and I mean little) research will tell you that. And apparently, it's a sin to say "hell" in church, even if you're talking of the place. Okay, enough of that rant...

I love my parents. Not that I didn't know that before, but it's worth repeating. Are they strange? Yes. Do they have an odd sense of humor sometimes? Yes. Are they embarassing sometimes? Yes. But I think everyone thinks that about their parents at some point. And I love them just the way they are, quirks and all. After all, where do you think I got it from? :-)


Proteinstar said...

Mt 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

James doesn't talk about swearing but @*$#@*&!! Matthew does.

Ellie said...

Yeah, I know there's other stuff about swearing in the Bible. But I thought he took that passage WAY out of context, and got a meaning out of it that wasn't there. That's what frustrated me.

Proteinstar said...

A quick search shows Christ saying hell 13 times. I bet it's more though. Although he probably wasn't in the temple when he said it. And he probably washed his mouth out after and had his bottomed tanned by Mary.

I hate religious people who tack on rules and regulations to Christ. He gave us freedom from all rules.