Friday, July 22, 2005

Take a bow, Mr. Shoop

I just got crank called. That's right. At work. By Mr. Shoop. He called pretending to be someone from the project we're working on in Philly. What he couldn't have known was that my boss sent out an e-mail this morning before he left, regarding that job, and the name Mr. Shoop gave me sounded like one of those names in the e-mail. So I wasn't surprised when someone called to talk to me about it, since my boss isn't here today. Then he told me he was cutting the funding for the project. Unfortunately, by that point I recognized his voice, and the game was up. But for a while he had me. And I nearly had to go change my pants.

I realized something last night. Or rather, last night confirmed something to me. I hate confrontation. I get nervous and my hands start shaking. I just don't like it. But sometimes it has to be done. Things need to get out in the open if you're ever going to have the chance to deal with them. But I also learned last night that not all confrontation is as bad as you anticipate it to be. Not that it's pleasant, but if everyone involved is loving in how they interact with each other, it's much less painful than it can be. So to those of you involved in said "confrontation", thanks.

I'm going camping this weekend. Not real camping, mind you. I'll be in a tent, but most of the other people at the campground will be in RV's. But it's still getting out, having campfires, roasting s'mores and mountain pies, swimming. I'm looking forward to it. And it means I get to leave work slightly early today. Score!

1 comment:

Proteinstar said...

AH the prank call. Something Mr. Shoop is surprisingly good at. He once fooled my wife to the point of rage by claiming to be a Sprint telemarketer and that we still had something on our bill. What he didn't know is that 4 months prior we had a huge issue with Sprint before changing services.

Kudos to Shoop.

Hey Spickey I discovered who you are. LOTR Trilogy Extended Edition night. Female fantasy fans are always cool in my book, esp fans of the Professor.