Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

I hate the heat. I hate the humidity. I hate the heat AND the humidity. Good news, though. Only 66 days till fall. Wait, that's a long time. Seriously, I'm dying. I love the snow. Can't take the heat.

Did you know it takes a church to raise a child? And here I thought it took a village. Shows how much Hillary knows. Church yesterday was better than I expected it to be, being a sermon about raising children when I have no children. Heck, I'm not even dating. But the sermon was actually more about becoming a church family, which I thought was interesting. Followed by ICON where we talked about how, practically, we love people. Lots of talk of love these days. Getting involved in other people's lives, and letting them get involved in ours. I mean really getting involved, not just the requisite "How are you?", "I'm fine, thanks, you?", "Fine". That's tough. Because I have prickles, and I know other people have prickles. And I don't have a problem seeing other people's prickles, but I do my darndest to hide mine.

I came across a quote in my devotional this morning that I thought I'd share (emphasis mine). It was interesting, and made me think.

Martin Luther once said that if you are going to sin, sin mightily. Now I'm sure he didn't mean by that that we should all go out and have a big night on the town in his honor (or maybe he did)...

The people who are worse off are those who harbor their little secret sins and think themselves better for it. They are the one's Luther was thinking about when he said this. They would be better off if their sin were more visible, more devastating, because then they would have no choice but to be humbled into facing it and getting some help. The worst blindness is to be blind and think you can see better than anybody. Such a person is blind to all of God's provision for sin and never free of the comparison game.


Ellie said...

Not if humidity and extreme heat are a result of the fall. :-) Along with ticks and mosquitoes (do they serve any useful purpose?).

Nathan Hackman said...

Leave it to Luther to put it right out there like that. Great guy despite his faults. The problem with the heat/humidity is that people hide from it. I did a little hiking/rock climbing yesterday morning and it was great. I just takes a little adjustment.