Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Batter up!

I like sports. That's unusual for a girl to say (especially the same girl who totally geeked out about the LOTR movie marathon). But that's okay. I love playing softball. And volleyball. And football, ultimate frisbee, racquetball...the list goes on. Except for golf (is that really a sport?) and basketball. But I digress. In my enthusiasm about sports, I have discovered that I'm very competitive. To the point that I will sacrifice my body willingly. My friends know about that when I play racquetball. On Sunday playing volleyball, I dove for the ball on a rough sand volleyball court. And Monday night, during my softball game, I slid while running from third to home (well, actually the infield "tripped" me). So I have tomboy legs. All cut and scraped. And what's really wierd is that I kinda like it. My scrapes are like my trophies. Wierd, huh?

I think I'm in a funk today. I don't like being in a funk. It doesn't happen very often, thankfully. But it makes me very introspective. That's a scary place I don't like to go very often. And it tends to makes me feel less content. That's not so good. I think I need a hug. Or some chocolate...


matt said...

Wow! You went from talking like a male to talking like a female in one blog post. Impressive!!

Ellie said...

But you notice I did spend more time talking like a man. :-)

Proteinstar said...

yeah but she said she doesn't like being introspective..that's pretty "mannish".