Monday, August 01, 2005

Where has the time gone?

I read "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" yesterday. That's right. All 870 pages of it...well, I read about 70 pages on Saturday, but that's beside the point. I've got to say this...J.K. Rowling, whatever you may think of her story, is a pretty darn good author. The book completely sucked me in. I read for 10 1/2 straight hours. Now, partly that's me, but partly it was because the story was good, and well written and moved the story along at a good pace, giving you enough information to keep you baited. And now I can't read the 6th book because my dad took it with him when my folks went on vacation. Bummer. Granted, she's no Tolkien, Lewis, or Austen, but I love the Harry Potter books. Very entertaining.

And thanks to those folks who taught me to play croquet on Saturday night. I had a wonderful time hanging out with all of you. And thanks to one friend in particular, who arranged the whole thing and opened his space to the rest of us hooligans.


Proteinstar said...

Do you guys play croquet with stingers or what are called "poison balls" by professional Croquet players? It amazes me that there is such a thing. A stinger is a ball played through all wickets but has not touched the final stake. This ball if it strikes another ball will "kill" it and remove it from the game. if someone else strikes the poison ball, the poison ball or stinger is removed from play. if the stinger goes through a wicket it is removed from play. Keeps the game going for the players who finished early.

matt said...

HOW IN THE WORLD can you compare Tolkien and Lewis with Austen. They are on two different levels writing wise. Wow, I am still stunned at the comparison.

Ellie said...

I'm not saying that their writings are the same. I don't think you can compare them, given that they're writing in two very different genres. However, both are regarded as some of the best writers within their own genre. And just because you don't like Austen doesn't mean she's not a good writer.

Nathan Hackman said...

The "stinger" rocks baby! Actually I wouldn't know. You actually have to be good a croquet to be one. Anyway, for those of you new to the sport, it is actually an old British tradition to start each round of croquet by gathering in a circle, holding your mallets above your heads, and yelling "CROCKET!!!!!" while shaking your mallets in a caveman like fashion. It adds a whole new element to the game.

Ellie said...

Actually we did play with Stingers. It was quite fun...well, at least for some of us (you'll have to reference #9 on Mr. Kirkley's reflections). He and I became the first Stingers and decided to play "Run Away!". It was quite fun.