Friday, December 30, 2005

And they thought I would forget

See, I can remember some things. :-)

The "things" I'm talking about are two personality-type tests I took online the last couple days. The first, which is really neat, is the Color Code. This guy tried to figure out what people's driving core motives were and gave them colors...Red (power), Blue (intimacy), White (peace), and Yellow (fun). The test said I'm Blue (intimacy), but I found a lot of Red and White in me was well, when I read the other descriptions. I'll have to take it again to see if Blue is tied with something else.

The second test is the Real Age test. Apparently, although I'm 25, my real age is 21.5. But I could be even younger in as little as 90 days through diet and exercise. :-) And I found out that consuming moderate amounts of alcohol (equal to about 1/2 drink per day) actually lowers my real age. They say that it slows the aging process for most women. Score! I knew I was doing something right!


stephen said...

Hi, I am a 27.4 year old WHITE male. But check back with me in 90 days. I could be 20.3 years old! If I read the table correctly, flossing 4-6 times per week is one of the factors making me older.

matt said...

I am my actual age. The things that put me out there was the stress of this last year. I was 6 years under before that section and I dropped after that section.

As for the color test, I am yellow. That was a hard one to guess. :-)

Ellie said...

If I check back with you in 90 days, could you also be Black? Or Hispanic perhaps? Just wondering where the "WHITE" fits in there. :-)

stephen said...

Well, I was going to say "My color is white and my age is 27.4 years." But then I said, "Hey, I can combine those two facts into one grammatically pleasant sentence!" So I did. I added the bolding (and the all caps) so hopefully you would correlate the age and color to the realage test and the color test. But that apparently didn't work out so well..

Ellie said...

Obviously I'm not very quick on the uptake. :-)

Nathan Hackman said...

Yeah, I took those tests. Then I took another test that told me that the celebrity I most resemble is Michael Jackson. No more online tests for me.