Thursday, December 29, 2005

A momentus day you hear that? It's awfully quiet in here. Anyone there?

Yeah, I know I've been gone for a while. And although it may seem hard to believe to Mr. Ocean Waves, I truly have not had anything to say. Not that that has stopped me in the past, but I couldn't find anything I wanted to share with the masses. Well, that's over now. Prepare yourselves.

So Tuesday was my birthday. My 25th birthday to be precise. And I have to say I don't feel older at all. A quarter century. Although I'm not sure how much I like being in the "mid-to-late-twenties" as opposed to my "early-twenties". But I suppose I shall get used to it. Since it's going to be the last time I have a birthday and all. My dad's still 25, supposedly, although he's been saying that for several years, so I'm starting to think it's not true.

In honor of my birthday, I decided to borrow (read: steal) an idea from Proteinstar...except I can't seem to get cool pictures in mine. I have a lot of cool people born on my birthday. A number of nerds (which fits, don't you think?), athletes, that little girl from "Poltergeist" (which I may just have to watch now that I know that) and even a sex therapist. Cool.

Other important people born on the 27th of December:

1555 - Johann Arndt, theologist

1571 - Johann Kepler, astronomer. Discovered elliptical orbits.

1654 - Jacobus Bernouilli, mathematician

1773 - George Cayley, founded the science of aerodynamics

1822 - Louis Pasteur, microbiolgist and chemist. You can thank him for pasturization and vaccines...specifically for rabies.

1836 - Henricus Oort, Dutch theologist (Leidse translation)

1884 - Bernard van Dieren, composer

1901 - Marlene Dietrich, singer/actress (Blue Angel)

1915 - William Howell Masters, sex author/physician

1931 - Scotty Moore, guitarist (for Elvis)

1948 - Gerard Depardieu, France, actor (Get Out Your Handkerchiefs, Danton)

1956 - Doina Melinte, Romanian running star (world record 1500 m/mile indoor)

1957 - James Sanford, US runner (world record 50m indoor)

1959 - Andre Tippett, NFL linebacker (New England Patriots)

1972 - Dewayne Washington, NFL cornerback (Minn Vikings)

1975 - Heather O'Rourke, actress (Happy Days, Poltergeist)

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