Wednesday, September 07, 2005

15 days till fall

But who's counting?

There are so many reasons I love fall. Cooler temperatures, sleeping with the windows open, sleeping with the comforter on the bed, the cool, crisp smell in the air, leaves changing colors, football, wearing warm clothes, wearing warm clothes while outside at a football game screaming your lungs out, hot drinks. **Sigh** As Louis Armstrong said...what a wonderful world.


matt said...

Louis Armstrong couldn't have been talking about fall in the song. He talks about trees of green and we all know that tree leaves change colour in the fall. I like the fall too.

stephen said...

Please point out to me at what point in her comment she specifically correlates Louis Armstrong's lyrics to Fall.

Ellie said...

The tree leaves change color in the fall? WHAT?!? :-)

He sees trees of green, I see trees of red, orange, yellow, and brown. But we both say, "what a wonderful world."

~Moondust Marita~ said...

I totally agree with your post. It made me feel good to read it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts no matter what the rest have to say... I appreciated it. I too LOVE fall! I am sad to see the summer go so fast but I am very excited for the beauty and crispness that comes with fall. I Every year I go on a "Fall walk" and look for the biggest or prettiest leaves. God gave us much to enjoy. Have a great fall!