Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's just like riding a bike

What a great weekend! So many good things, but most of all...a day off work. I'm having a hard time convincing myself today is Tuesday.

I went dancing on Friday night. Got to try out my new dance shoes. I was a new person. They didn't even recognize that dancing machine out there. :-) Great fun. AND I got to sleep in on Saturday morning. I haven't been able to do that for a while. I love my bed. Naps are great, too. Got to take one of those on Sunday afternoon. I learned that it's nearly impossible in September to find brown or blue dress shoes that weren't made for my grandmother. That sucks.

I'm SO saddle sore this morning. :-) I went for a bike ride with my parents yesterday down to a diner in Dillsburg. Great fun. I haven't been on a bike in years. Years, I tell you. And I didn't even realize what the seat was doing to me until we got back on the bikes after breakfast. That was painful. I'm thankful the trip home was a lot shorter. Bike seats are painful!

I love relaxing weekends. Where there are no agendas, no plans, activities. Where you can just come and go however you wish. And I got good food for the soul. Our church recently moved into a new and bigger building. And the first sermon series was "Family Matters". Gee, that's an interesting 3 months of sermons for a single 20-something. Which was disheartening. One fo the reasons I was drawn to the church in the first place was the pastor's sermons. I love his preaching style, and what he has to say. But this "FM" sermon series seemed more "seeker sensitive" than his usual sermons. I mean, I understand why they did it, but I was afraid the sermons that really spoke to me were a thing of the past. So my hopes were raised when I heard that the new sermon series would be "The 10 Commandments". And they were realized this Sunday when I heard the sermon...an into of sorts into the series.

I heard one of the best sermons this Sunday. It was very challenging for me, and met me where I was at. How often, in Evangelical Christianity, do we focus more on the love of God, and forget the holiness of God. The fact that we shouldn't even be allowed to stand in the presence of such a God makes the concept of mercy and grace that much more incredible. Unfortunately, I fall into that category too often. I like to think of God as someone I can run to easily, and talk with casually. Which are all things that are okay. But, all too often I forget about the incredible and absolute holiness of God. And I forget my humble place as a human before the Divine. Holy love. You can't divorce the two. One without the other is an incomplete picture of God. Good stuff. Can't wait till next Sunday...the First Commandment.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Man, and here I thought someone had actually commented. Nope, just blog porn spam. Just great. :-)