Monday, September 26, 2005

Only the lonely

Why these thoughts came to me yesterday in church I really don't know. Do you think it's okay to be lonely? And I mean in relationship to one's singleness. I'm not really sure. You see, I have a great family and some awesome friends. Some are just acquaintences, but some are deep friendships, both male and female. People I can be myself around, warts and all (including fits of the giggles at prayer time - oh no!). On top of that, I know that I'm a child of Creator God, who loves me more than anything, and who I talk to everyday. So why do I still feel lonely? And is it a bad thing?

It's very tricky. On the one hand, we're taught that God should be our everything, the only one we need. On the other hand, he created us as relational beings. Even though Adam was in close relationship with God, Adam needed something else. And what's funny is that is was God that decided Adam needed something besides Himself. So where is the balance in that?

I don't know the answer. But I have come to think that sometimes it's okay to be lonely. Not that we should just sit around an mope all the time because we're lonely, but it's okay to feel lonely. It doesn't necessarily mean that my relationship with God is not what it should be. Nor does it mean that I'm definitely going to be married someday. God could take the loneliness away. But I shouldn't sit and feel guilty if I feel lonely. I dunno. Just some random thoughts from a random Sample. :-)


matt said...

My thoughts.

Ellie said...

Okay, so I'm 3 months late weighing in on the topic. :-) Good thoughts, by the way. I remember agreeing with you when I first read them.