Tuesday, November 01, 2005

They've gotta stop playing Monday nights

The Steelers that is. They're throwing off my sleep schedule! But unlike Chargers and Ravens fans (sorry MK), I get to go to bed a happy camper. I wasn't sure they'd pull it off. Definitely had me worried. But it's a good time to be a Steelers fan. Right now, the fact that they won is all that matters. :-) But I thought it was interesting to see what people think of Brian Billick and Bill Cowher.

I decided I like Halloween. I haven't properly dressed up for a couple years. But this weekend was the annual Green Door Halloween dance. I made my costume. That's right...the girl who has never sewed anything more than a hem in her life sewed a costume. And not only that, I altered the pattern and didn't have any help from my mom, who sews very well. I was so excited! I made a girls baseball uniform from the 1940's (think "League of their Own"). I was Rockford Peach! How very fun. So I decided (again) that I like dressing up. It was fun to be someone else, if only for a night.

I also decided that if you have to forget to move your clock, it's definitely better to do it in the fall. I was awoken Sunday morning by a friend who had forgotten to reset her clock as well and was at church with hardly anyone else there. So she took a nap on my couch while I went back to bed. It's great to realize that when you thought you only had 15 minutes left to sleep, you actually have an hour and 15 minutes. I love falling back. :-) Don't know how I forgot, though. That's a first. The only problem (well, it's not necessarily a problem) is that now it's dark at 6:00 at night. That's kind of a bummer. But then I remember that shorter days mean winter, and winter means snow. I guess it's a good thing. So bring on the shorter days!

1 comment:

matt said...

congrats on being a bit domesticated.