Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Do you know what this means?

It can only mean good things. It's snowing in Altoona!! SNOWING!! Real, honest to goodness snow! Break out the skis, everyone, winter will soon be upon us. Maybe this year will be a good one for snow (and by good, I mean the opposite of almost everyone else out there...I hope we get dumped on). Keep those fingers crossed.


matt said...

Yippee. We have a chance of some of them there snow flakes mixing in tonight. I can't wait for snow.

Now that the two people that enjoy snow have stated their opinions, let the haters come and hate.

Nathan Hackman said...

I personally hope that we get dumped on also. The XC Skis went without use all last winter. A good snowstorm can make even your local park feel like a remote Alaskan outpost! I think I'll do a post on the best things about snow.