Friday, October 07, 2005

Puddle jumping anyone?

I love this weather. Not for every day, mind you. But it's perfet today. And we need the rain. It's the perfect day to be at home, not here at work. To be snuggled up under a blanket watching the rain, reading a book. Of course, having a good man to snuggle up with would make it all that much better. :-) But for now I'll just settle for the book, the blanket, and the comfy couch.

1 comment:

Nathan Hackman said...

Way back when I ran Cross Country in HS we would live for these days. We'd pound out a couple of miles, jumping in every puddle along the way, and then wrp up the run with a dip in the Middle School Swail. I know it sounds gross, but we loved it.