Thursday, July 21, 2005

Do you know the muffin man?

One of the women in our office just got her doctorate, so she brought in celebratory muffins for everyone. Score! That's an unwritten rule in our office. If something really good happens to you (marriage, kids, new house, promotion, passing the PE, etc), you have to bring in donuts, bagels, muffins, or some combination of the three. I like that rule. And I've come to discover that an engineer's favorite word is "free". Seriously. It's like throwing crumbs to pigeons. A few crumbs with attract hundreds of birds. And so it is. A few muffins will attract every engineer in the office within 10 minutes. Word spreads quickly. Yummy.

Muscles I had forgotten I had are stopping by to say hello. I played racquetball last night with a friend of mine, for the first time in at least a couple months. I'm thankfully not as out of shape as I have been in the past, so the pain is minimal today and I'm not walking like a grandma. But I really should play more. On a good note, I held my own, and almost won. Well, I held my own anyway. I lost, 2 games to 1. But they were pretty close games. And I had a good time playing.

On a side note, Mrs. M's hair rocks. She had it braided in Africa. Not many white people have the guts to pull off a look like that, but it looks pretty good.


matt said...

Did you get a picture of Mrs. M's hair? I want to see one.

Ellie said...

Unfortunately, I was playing raquetball at the time (she and Mr. M were walking the track), and I left my cell phone at home. Next time... However, she did say it would probably be in for another week or so, so you still have time. :-)